In this guide
Age limit
WHO recommends weaning from 6 months of age, but some products are marketed as suitable earlier e.g. 'suitable from 4 months'.
Tip: look out for age recommendations on pack. 6 months should be the lowest recommended age.
WHO recommends pureed products have an upper age limit of 12 months. It is important to introduce infants to solid textures to improve their acceptance of foods and their ability to chew.
The form will prompt you (where applicable) to check if an upper age limit is stated on pack. This should be no higher than 12 months.
Upper age limit: The upper age limit assessment of 12 months will be applied only to products identified as purees. Products will be classed as ‘fail’ if the age limit exceeds 12 months, ‘pass’ if the age limit is ≥12 months, ‘not applicable’ for non-pureed foods, or ‘missing’ if the upper age limit is required but missing. Note that most products do not currently include an upper age limit for purees and so most will be classed as ‘missing’. You may interpret missing data as fail.